Anno Regni Caroli II... Duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April, An. Dom. 1660...


Anno Regni Caroli II... Duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Five and twentieth day of April, An. Dom. 1660...

[drop-head title:] An Act for Prohibiting the Planting, Setting, or Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland.

Description: lightly browned, a small splotch of worming to lower blank corner, pp. [iii], 126-128, sm. folio, disbound

Publication Details: Printed by John Bill, 1660

Notes: James I, Charles I, and the interregnum Parliament had all tried to tax locally grown tobacco heavily enough to discourage its production; an act of 1652 finally banned the crop, since the taxes had merely encouraged evasion. To ensure the protection revenues coming from taxation of Virginian imports after the Restoration, this act renewed the earlier ban, apart from small quantities in medical gardens. (Demand had also increased, since Charles II brought over the French court's habit of taking snuff.) A proclamation of the ban was issued the following year. As with all such parliamentary reco...more

Bibliography: (ESTC R475122)

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Price: £500

Subject: History

Published Date: 1660

Stock Number: 51172

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