Publisher's Synopsis
What makes a person human? That is the question. We now live in a world of extremes; some labour too hard, while others seek to continually ease their woes at an enormous cost to others, and also themselves. Dr. Rollo May wrote a book entitled "The Meaning of Anxiety", in which he challenged the belief that mental health is derived from living without anxiety, but rather asserts it is essential to the human condition; confronting anxiety can relieve boredom, sharpen sensitivity, and, actually creates the tension necessary to preserve human existence. Following the Second World War humanity, understandably, sought relief from the horrors, carnage, and suffering, that had taken place, as well as the decades leading up to it; never mind the First World War, (1914-1918). The problem is that humanity never brought to an end this search to relieve hardship. With each passing decade "convenience products", and "consumer goods", in increasing numbers have seeped into the lives of those who inhabit the "First World", while the anguish of those residing in the "Third World" has intensified, while they are forced to labour in order to fulfill the wants, needs, and desires, of those already over-saturated in material wealth; and, ironically, aren't even close to realizing this is the case - our environment has had to bear the strain of this burden. How can this cycle of madness be brought to an end? "The Trinity Manifesto" explains that the answer lies in remembering what makes us human, and how the completion of this accomplishment leads to the whole, the Truth, Self-realization, God - the big picture. Being human means to behave in a humane manner; one takes care of oneself, while also taking care of others. We each grow by making connections with others, then, eventually, the great beyond. People, however, have followed the opposite course, and as a consequence dissolution, fragmentation, and disintegration, has spread, and at the cost of losing the most crucial ingredient that makes us human; our soul. A confluence of entropic forces within all of mankind's major civilizations, since the beginning of recorded history, has led to the state we are in now; this hasn't happened by accident, but rather design, divine in origin.