Published 12 Jul 2022
- $14.68
26th November 2024
Inky Tentacle
Design by Janay Nachel Fraizer and Stuart Wilson. Art by Arnold J. Kemp
Published 03 Oct 2023
Save $13.48
Awarded annually to the novel containing speculative or fantastic elements that best fulfills the criteria of intelligent, progressive and entertaining.
£1,000 & a hand-crafted tentacle trophy
Awarded annually to the debut novel that best fits the criteria of progressive, intelligent and entertaining. The book must be the author's first published work of novel-length fiction in any genre.
£500 & a hand-crafted tentacle trophy
(Cover Art)
Awarded to the year's finest cover art, as selected by a panel of visual arts experts from wide range of disciplines.
£500 & a hand-crafted tentacle trophy
A discretionary award named in honour of The Kitschies' former director, Glen Mehn, intended to recognise extraordinary service to the SFF industry.
A hand-crafted tentacle trophy
Here are the winners from 2023.
Here are the winners from 2022.
Here are the winners from 2020.
Here are the winners from 2019.
Here are the winners from 2018.
Here are the winners from 2017.
2016 was a Kitschless year - so here's the latest winners from 2015.
*The Black Tentacle (renamed the Glentacle in 2021), a discretionary award given to an outstanding achievement in encouraging and elevating the conversation around genreliterature, went to the genre community, personified by Patrick Ness, for the response to the humanitarian refugee crisis.