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The Idols and the Prey.

The Idols and the Prey.

Publication details: Weidenfeld & Nicolson,1954,

Rare Book

  • $63.90
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Bookseller Notes

The author's debut novel, a 'study in degeneration' - in which a 'rich and aimless American couple' travel to Haiti, where the island's 'vodoon [voodoo] cult' is a factor in the 'characters' spiritual downfall' (blurb).Goodwin, who knew Isherwood, Paul Bowles, Jean Cocteau, et al. was a wealthy New Yorker, well-travelled - probably including to Haiti, which the blurb declares 'the real hero of this remarkable novel'.


FIRST ENGLISH EDITION, pp. [vi], 341, crown 8vo, original bottle-green cloth, backstrip lettered in gilt, slight lean to spine, a couple of dinks to tail and bottom corner of upper board gently knocked, dustjacket by Ley Kenyon, a little chipped and nicked, browned to backstrip panel and borders, overall odour of tobacco-smoke, good

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