Publisher's Synopsis
Lisa Nichols, knows first hand that the strongest muscle in the human body is the heart, as she herself is living proof that harnessing the power of our emotional strength can enable us to achieve the lives we were born to lead. In NO MATTER WHAT Lisa reveals 9 steps or 'muscles' and the essential actions we can all take to achieve the successful and fulfilling life we deserve, including: Emotional Anatomy for Beginners: Learn how to use your 'bounce-back' muscles which provide strength and ability to successfully navigate life's speed bumps Prescription for Change: Simple, effective action steps and exercise to discover the key lessons from your past and apply them to your future Solutions with a Soul: Inspiring case studies that reveal Lisa's own courageous story. NO MATTER WHAT is a groundbreaking and powerful inspirational programme which reminds us that everything we need to be happy lies within ourselves and shows you how you too can finally realise your dreams.