In Realms Beyond

In Realms Beyond Book One of the Peter Chronicles

Paperback (15 Nov 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Latest Edition (Oct, '15)- IN A HOSPITAL SOMEWHERE in New England, Peter is dying. At the same time in Florida, Al Miner is preparing for a channeled reading. The paths of these two men are about to meet. For the process Al has used since 1973 to obtain thousands of readings for individuals around the world inexplicably takes a turn, and the path he travels between worlds joins with the dying man's journey through the portal of death. In Realms Beyond is beginning of the channeled narration of the journey that began in 1990 and continued until 2012. Lama Sing has told us that "Peter" and his experiences are true, and, while told in entertaining story format, it's array of metaphysical teachings in layers on each page that can be found by the seeker, exploring states of being, levels of consciousness, formlessness... just to name a few of the adventures that were shared. It provides a look into the afterlife in stunning detail, easing the fear of dying, and giving new hope for the continuation of life after death.

Book information

ISBN: 9780979126239
Publisher: Cocreations Publishing
Imprint: Cocreations Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 210
Weight: 249g
Height: 139mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 11mm