Business Gold - Build Awareness, Authority, and Advantage with  LinkedIn Company Pages

Business Gold - Build Awareness, Authority, and Advantage with LinkedIn Company Pages

Paperback (22 Nov 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Awareness - Authority - Advantage

The world's first book dedicated to the undiscovered goldmine of LinkedIn Pages.

Business Gold explains how you can take advantage to promote your brand, generate leads and gain the edge over your competition. From why you should take pages seriously to examples of Company Page excellence, this book takes you step by step through the process of setting up your Page and how to leverage it in your marketing.

Business Gold will give you all the "Awareness" you need to understand why you should use a Company Page. But it will also show you how to build brand "Authority" and create a business "Advantage" above and beyond what can be accomplished with just a LinkedIn Personal Profile. If you are a business owner who wants to delve into the untapped resource of LinkedIn Company Pages do yourself a favor. Get this book. Highly recommended!

Jeff Young - #TheLinkedInGuru

Business owners have a huge opportunity with LinkedIn Pages to amplify both the company and employee brands. The level of detail in this book makes this easily actionable and achievable. The content strategy is gold!

Michelle Griffin - Branding strategist

This book makes a good case for maintaining a company presence alongside a personal presence on LinkedIn. The "Gold Nuggets" section of each chapter provides handy reminders to keep you on the right track.

John Espirian - Author Content DNA

Book information

ISBN: 9780473605100
Publisher: Lynnaire Johnston
Imprint: Lynnaire Johnston
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 106
Weight: 144g
Height: 138mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 9mm