Publisher's Synopsis
The SOLIDWORKS 2020 Reference Guide is a comprehensive reference book written to assist the beginner to intermediate user of SOLIDWORKS 2020. SOLIDWORKS is an immense software package, and no one book can cover all topics for all users. This book provides a centralized reference location to address many of the tools, features and techniques of SOLIDWORKS 2020.If you are familiar with an earlier release of SOLIDWORKS, you still might want to skim Chapter 1 to become acquainted with some of the commands, menus and features that you have not used; or you can simply jump to any section in any chapter.Each chapter provides detailed PropertyManager information on key topics with individual stand-alone short tutorials to reinforce and demonstrate the functionality and ease of the SOLIDWORKS tool or feature. The book provides access to over 260 models, their solutions and additional support materials. Learn by doing, not just by reading.