Everyday Peace Cards

Everyday Peace Cards 108 Mindfulness Meditations

Educational Cards (19 Nov 2019)

Not available for sale

Publisher's Synopsis

Inspiring, joyful, and deeply insightful, this deck of cards offers daily contemplations and words of wisdom from one of today's most important spiritual teachers. Best-selling author Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the best-known Buddhist teachers in the world. These powerful and transformative words of wisdom bring you his accessible wisdom in a way that offers daily opportunities to make peace with yourself, those around you, and the earth.

About the Publisher


Shambhala Publications was born at Ground Zero of the 1960s counterculture: in the back of a bookstore on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, California. It's ironic, since our founders' vision was more trans-cultural than countercultural--the concern being for an enlightened approach to every aspect of life--including culture. It's a vision that hasn't changed in more than four decades, as we've crossed the continent, and as we've grown to discover just how much that original vision can contain.

Book information

ISBN: 9781611807721
Publisher: Shambhala Publications Inc
Imprint: Shambhala
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 58
Weight: 362g
Height: 105mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 34mm