Your Amazing Itty Bitty Marijuana Manual

Your Amazing Itty Bitty Marijuana Manual 15 Ways to Use Cannabis for Your Health

Paperback (29 Aug 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Your Amazing Itty Bitty Marijuana Manual 15 Ways to use Cannabis for your Health With the recent "Green Rush" in the United States, a lot of people question whether this billion dollar market is for fun or for real. Cannabis has been used for health and medical benefits for thousands of years and has documentation to back it up. There are many conditions that may be helped with marijuana and its compounds, and the list seems to be getting longer as research continues. 1.Learn facts from prestigious research. 2.Find out how far back marijuana has been documented as relieving pain and aliments. 3.Read about little known ways cannabis can lessen and, sometimes stop, pain symptoms. 4.Get suggestions on which strains help certain conditions best. Let this book be a starting point to take control of your health and life; something to add to your holistic regime. If you buy one Itty Bitty Book this year, buy the one that is the best investment you can make for you and your health.

Book information

ISBN: 9781931191753
Publisher: Suzy Prudden
Imprint: Suzy Prudden
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 46
Weight: 54g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 3mm