Publisher's Synopsis
Every young girl, lady, and woman in the world, regardless of her race, creed, religion, birth place, home upbringing, and socio-economic status, is absolutely priceless, and deserves to be treated with the utmost respect. If you have previously been in an abusive, unhealthy relationship that left you feeling drained, and you would love to attract a relationship with that "special someone" who will cherish you as the rare jewel that you are, this book is for you. In this lady's devotional, You Are A Jewel, allow yourself to feel the love of God, the Jewel of All Jewels, as He rolls out the red carpet for you and gives you that royal treatment that only He can give. Use that love that transcends all time, distance, space, and human thought as a tool to create a happy relationship on earth that leaves you educationally, emotionally, fi nancially, mentally, physically, sexually, and socially healthy in your mind, body, soul, and spirit.