Publisher's Synopsis
Mark Stephens, best-selling author of Teaching Yoga, Yoga Sequencing, and Yoga Adjustments, gives yoga teachers and students a practical resource for learning how to adapt yoga practices to best accommodate and heal a wide array of common injuries and ailments. Stephens provides a thorough summary of the philosophical and historical foundations of yoga as a healing method and presents the basic principles and techniques of this healing modality. He applies these insights to healing musculoskeletal injuries; promoting a healthy reproductive system; addressing mental, emotional, and behavioral difficulties; and working with a variety of physiological diseases and disorders, ranging from asthma and diabetes to stroke and vertigo. A final chapter suggests ways to use yoga to lead extraordinary life notwithstanding particular health conditions. An extensive glossary of asanas and asana contraindications provides a quick reference for learning what to do--and not do--for each of the 63 specific conditions covered in the book.