
Wiki Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit

Paperback (17 Sep 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Looking for a way to increase team collaboration? Do you need a better way manage your company's knowledge? Do you need a way to manage projects with customers or suppliers outside your company firewall? Would you like your customers to provide feedback on the information you publish? Then a wiki might be just what you are looking for. WIKI: Grow Your Own for Fun and Profit introduces the concept of wikis, and shows why they are becoming the must-have communications and collaboration technology for businesses of any size. Porter provides up-to-date information on selecting a wiki, getting started, overcoming resistance to wikis, maintaining your wiki, and using your wiki for internal collaboration, project planning, communication with your customers, and more. The book includes five case studies that highlight the ways companies are using wikis to solve business and communication problems, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.

Book information

ISBN: 9780982219126
Publisher: XML Press
Imprint: XML Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 006.76
Language: English
Number of pages: 172
Weight: 204g
Height: 140mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 9mm