Publisher's Synopsis
The Visual Agile Coach Playbook combines the power of visuals with the agile growth mindset to provide effective ideas and solutions for improved communication, engagement and delivery of value in a fun and motivating package! A picture is worth a thousand words. As complexity and rapid change surround us ever more completely, visuals and their ability to communicate quickly and effectively are an increasingly important business tool.
The Visual Agile Coach Playbook is perfect for enthusiasts of progressive working, whether leading change or leading teams. Blending proven models and new ideas with immersive tools and templates. Vibrant, visual and unique, The Visual Agile Coach Playbook will
help you:
Communicate clearly
Reduce complexity
Problem solve
Teamwork effectively
Think creatively
Deliver value
Open up The Visual Agile Coach Playbook and start your own Visual Agile Coaching journey, learning how to utilise the power of visuals to supercharge your ways of working.