Publisher's Synopsis
Bamboo grass is the tallest grass you might have seen. It can grow to several feet. If you've ever been to an area where it grows, you'll notice bamboo shoots so tall that seeing the top of the plant seems almost impossible. However, you might already know-or perhaps not-that once the seed of bamboo germinates, there is no visible growth for five to six years.
Unbelievable, isn't it? Absolutely. But when this plant (which belongs to the grass family) starts growing, it grows several meters per day-astonishingly fast.
Now imagine what would happen if a bamboo seed had the ability to think and started feeling discouraged because nothing seemed to be happening, despite receiving water and all the nourishment from the earth. It has to wait before it can begin its journey. Before emerging, it lies dormant without showing any visible changes. Fortunately, it's a plant and doesn't have a conscious mind like humans-otherwise, it might have given up halfway through its incredible journey of growth.
Why am I telling you this story?
My only aim is to share one of nature's best-kept secrets. We humans often want everything to happen instantly. We are impatient and restless. But the earth still takes 365 days to complete a revolution around the sun.
How does that relate to us?
The universe takes its time to prepare the bamboo seedling before exposing it to the outside world. It doesn't rush. True growth doesn't occur when the bamboo shoots out of the ground but during the years it spends growing beneath the soil, strengthening its roots.
It may seem paradoxical, but that's how nature works.
What's truly important in life is learning to wait and trust. You might say you already know this, but I would argue that many of us don't know how to internalize these lessons. When you learn to wait like the bamboo seedling and trust that your time will come, you, too, will experience growth-be it in your finances, relationships, career, or anything else you aspire to achieve.
In this book, we will explore how to cultivate trust and patience. By the end, you'll uncover a profound secret that you may already sense deep within yourself.