Publisher's Synopsis
Sometimes work hurts.
We might be discouraged, disillusioned, or devastated by our work. We might experience trauma or harassment on the job, or we may have experienced work loss by getting fired. If you have been beat up, burnt out, or brokenhearted by work, you are not alone.
The Bible tells us that work will be difficult--filled with thorns and thistles--but no one prepares us for the pain we experience on the job. In When Work Hurts, Meryl Herr● Explores the emotional, relational, and vocational pain that work causes and helps us rebound and build resilience so we can fully participate with God in his mission,● Walks through the biblical story of the Israelites' journey of exile, return, and rebuilding as a framework for spiritual and practical resources for navigating work loss, and● Shows that we can take comfort in the fact that God is at work in the midst of our work to bring healing and hope.