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Understanding the Impact of Trauma

Understanding the Impact of Trauma Identifying Care and Therapeutic Interventions

Paperback (25 Mar 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Since its publication in 2019, the FAIT has begun to be used more widely to inform a variety of care packages and therapeutic interventions. Understanding the Impact of Trauma takes the FAIT as a starting point, exploring the concept of ' emotional disability' that can follow a traumatic event and the usefulness of applying models like the FAIT more broadly to anyone who has experienced trauma. It will introduce some of the key theories that have informed our understanding of the emotional development of people with intellectual disabilities, followed by a series of case studies focusing on different individuals and how their emotional development informed their therapeutic interventions, including people with intellectual disabilities, people with mental health issues, people living with dementia and autistic people.

Book information

ISBN: 9781803882871
Publisher: Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
Imprint: Pavilion Publishing and Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 400
Weight: 230g
Height: 248mm
Width: 190mm