Un Cuento Triste No Tan Triste

Un Cuento Triste No Tan Triste

Paperback (01 Apr 2015) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

Successful therapist Jorge Bucay uses his storytelling talent to delve into literature to address issues that concerns us all. This tale exposes truths that are essential in order to live more happily. Narrated from the point of view of a young girl whose parents have separated, this story describes the relationship between the girl and her grandmother. The woman is a difficult character who at first appears to be cold but slowly reveals her secret. The result is as emotional as it is enlightening.

Book information

ISBN: 9786077352044
Publisher: Editorial Oceano de Mexico
Imprint: Editorial Oceano Mexico
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 345g
Height: 229mm
Width: 146mm
Spine width: 15mm