Publisher's Synopsis
This new book is a game-changer for entrepreneur-curious & entrepreneur-minded women Instead of delivering water to a thirsty community, this book shows you how to dig your own well so that you can provide for yourself. For now. For the rest of your life. It sets out to reposition entrepreneur-minded women within you. Thus empowered, this book will move you: * from paralysis to potential * from hostility to harmony * from fear to freedom * from stagnation to action * from shame & blame to power & mobility * from invisible to spectacular This book is unlike any other book ever written on the subject Oh, sure, there's a plethora of books out there that promise you change. "If I can do it, so can you," many of them tout, and they proceed to tell their stories. Of course, if that were true, then there would be a Disneyland on every street corner, Warren Buffet would have no secrets, there would be a hidden millionaire in every fry chef, and world peace would have arrived centuries ago because universal wealth would have long ago been achieved. This book is different, in that author Britt Santowski: => Respects YOU the reader, recognizing that your life's experiences is what makes you the expert, the center. She doesn't waste time showing you what's wrong with you; she points you to all that can be right. => Views the challenge of becoming an entrepreneur exclusively through the eyes and experience of woman. Because, guess what, women ARE different. => Understands that change can only come when the fear of staying "here" is going to hurt more than your fear of fading into a permanent state of inconspicuity. => Prepares you to shift from a invisible "role" (mother, wife, daughter, employee) to a spectacular contributor in both your own life and your legacy with others => Takes you over the hurdle that it's never too late. Even if you're halfway through life, you've got a second half to fill. This book will help you fill it, momentously. => Shows you how to reach inside yourself, and discover and activate the power of your full potential. Learn about the three ultimate strategies that will help you structure an unshakable foundation of confidence and success While no book can guarantee your success (and RUN AWAY if one ever deigns to make such a promise!), this book gives you the three foundational strategies upon which you can structure your own success: Accountability, Collaboration and Initiative. The Three Strategies of the UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN will show you: * Why letting go of your inner VICTIM is critical for your future success, and why you need to walk away from her sweet cousin, BLAME * How to recognize and celebrate your inner genius (and yes, she is there) * Why having a definite major purpose is critical to your success * How you can easily expand your network and influence, by simply leveraging what you already have access to * What's wrong with the Law of Attraction, and how you can avoid the pitfalls of woo-woo gurus * Concrete tools that will create an unstoppable momentum to guide you into a life of your creation After all, here's the bottom line: You will spend more time dead than alive. Deciding to take control of your "alive time" puts you in the Director's chair. The Three Strategies of the Unstoppable Woman will give you the three ultimate strategies that you can use to establish baseline confidence in whatever it is you choose to do with your life. This is NOT "Just Another Boring Business Book." No business plans, no capital fundraising proposals, no spreadsheets. All that is yet to come. This is the book that precedes all others. If you don't have the proper mind set, an unbreakable mental foundation, all the business tools in the world will not help you succeed. This book is about starting at the most logical place: The beginning. And if you didn't start there, it's never to late to back up!