"The Qaakil"

"The Qaakil"

Paperback (12 Nov 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Young Powerful Love + Tragic Terror = Spine-tingling Excitement! Colt and Molly, intensely in love, face devastating horror with grace and humor while fighting to contain a truly horrendous invasive species. "The Qaakil" is a very timely novel-sized work that mixes humor and romance with the stark terror of a believable monster story. This novel is timely because of the headlines that have been reporting the discovery of "Killer" fish imported from China in a Maryland pond and now in the Potomac River along with big-headed carp that have decimated fisheries in the Mississippi River system and now threaten the Great Lakes. Great care has also been taken to keep the story line technically correct and logical. This is NOT "a giant alligator in my basement" type of story! Ecocidae Gigas Dentire or Giant Toothed Pike were thought to be extinct although Inuit people have tried for years to tell the Kabloona (White Man) about what they call "The Qaakil"; sixteen-foot monsters found in some remote lakes of the far north. Those stories were dismissed as folklore. However, they do exist as John Stanton of Stanton Electronics found out in the last few seconds of his life while on an expedition to the far north. The Stanton family takes a brave and principled stance when they realize they are responsible for importing these monsters and allowing them to escape into a New York State river. Colt and Molly will experience horrifying situations including attempted murder as they work to confine these monsters while at the same time discovering the joys of new-found love.

Book information

ISBN: 9781466966864
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: Trafford Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 286
Weight: 422g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm