Publisher's Synopsis
It is a mainstay of Ruzzian propaganda that individualism and collective action are mutually exclusive. But NAFO and this cookbook are the living examples that prove the propaganda wrong.
Each of the Fellas featured in this book has given of their individual time, fortune, and sacred talents, and yet the total of NAFO is always so much greater than the sum of its parts.
Like home-baked bread, the individual ingredients mix to make a dough. And in the fire of love for our brothers and sister in Freedom, the magic of collective action happens. Those individual ingredients do not only mix; they come together and are changed forever, making something no one could have ever predicted when looking at that humble glop of eggs, flour, and salt.
This cookbook is what happens when people decide to stop being bystanders in life and start creating the world they want to live in. Together.
It would not exist were it not for regular people who got tired of waiting for knights on white horses to ride in and save them, and so made the most courageous choice of all: to become the heroes they had all been waiting for. Those risking and giving their lives on the actual battlefield deserve our greatest gratitude, but in this book you will meet the women, men, dogs, cats, racoons, fish, and whatevers who were inspired by Ukrainian fortitude, and for no reason other than it was the right thing to do, upended their lives to do what they could for people they had never met. And when you meet them, perhaps you will be inspired, too.
These recipes may not be created by the hottest new chefs, they may not be pretty, they may not be right good. But they are here, they're donated by honest, gallant Fellas of stout heart, and each and every recipe is offered to you with love.
Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes.