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The Miracle Kidney Cleanse

The Miracle Kidney Cleanse The All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify Your Body (10Th Anniversary Cover)

Paperback (10 Dec 2024)

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Paperback (30 Jan 2014) RRP $19.16 $16.68

Publisher's Synopsis

Kidneys play an incredibly important part of your body's ability to shed toxins, filter and clean blood, and remain healthy. Keeping your kidneys healthy and functioning at peak performance is critical to a long, vibrant life, and this book is your key to protecting the organs that are protecting you. The Miracle Kidney Cleanse shows how to flush out toxins and maximize the benefits of the body's natural cleansing system, including: Preventing painful kidney stones; Boosting immune function; Increasing energy; Helping ensure fertility; Improving mood; Curing low-back kidney pain. The Miracle Kidney Cleanse is the safest and gentlest way to dissolve kidney-congesting salts, minerals, uric acid, and proteins. This straightforward plan also details the daily supplements and foods to eat, as well as the foods to avoid, to keep the renal system functioning smoothly.

Book information

ISBN: 9781646047048
Publisher: Simon And Schuster Group USA
Imprint: Ulysses Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 266g
Height: 216mm
Width: 141mm
Spine width: 19mm