Publisher's Synopsis
The Kingdom Weigh is a 12 Week Spiritual Weight Loss & Life Enhancement Program based on Biblical Principles. Health for your Spirit, Soul & Body. Each week consists of a lesson incorporating some science, current trends and practical applications with homework assignments. Originally intended to be presented as a workbook to accompany workshops presented by Rev. Cathy. Workshops are available. Offering a 1 day mini or 4 day full 12 lesson program, each of those with extensive research and power-points, songs or videos to accompany teachings. This book is so life transforming that it can stand alone as a workbook with just the mini lessons in each chapter. Although this book focuses on the battles that we face in our physical bodies; it applies to the weights that so easily beset us, weights of addictions of all sorts, of bondages of any kind that weigh us down in life so that we are not living our life to it's fullness. Jesus came to give us life more abundantly. That life comes only through relationship with Him and the renewal of our minds. One of my favourite chapters in the book is on the 10 Plagues of Egypt and how each one represents the battles that we have in our minds to overcome our addictions, and weights. Think of the frogs, they jump here and there just like you in your faith, jumping from one thing to another. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. This book will bring stability and strength to the reader as his/her focus is conformed to a steadfastness in Truth & Love. Here is a brief outline of each week (chapter). I pray that the Lord God Almighty maker of the heavens and earth and Jesus Christ His son will bring to life every word through the inner working of God's Holy Spirit...You are about to change forever and throw your "diet" focus out the window for Freedom in Christ! Weekly Topics and Home Work: 1. Confronting Excuses: "but they all alike began to make excuses..." Luke 14:18-20; Moses said, "Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent in speech ..." "therefore you have no excuse, o man, everyone who judges.. for in passing judgement on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things" Rom 2:1; Ex 4: 10-14; "my people perish for lack of vision" Prov 29:18 2.Goal Setting: "-"Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction" (Prov 29:18). 3.Portion Distortion: "Honest weights and balances belong to the Lord; he sets the standards for fairness". (Prov 16:11). 4.Gardening: Pulling out the Roots of Overindulgence: breaking off generational curses, habits, addictions, fears "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins..."1 John 1:9 5.The Best Food: physical nutritional and diet plans discussed; pros-cons; Canada's Food Guide; Bible/Rainbow/Genesis Diet; Vegan, Vegetarian, Low Carb, Paleo comparisons Spiritual Diet- Jesus said, "my food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His work" John 4:34 6.Pharoah's Control vs. Freedom: 10 plagues of Egypt (natural mind)-the 10 thought patterns that keep us in bondage ending with the death of the first born, our Adamic nature (sin/flesh nature) 7.Our Vision, Purpose & Destiny: Identifying your purpose & destiny and discovering the path to fulfillment. "Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint" Prov 29:18 8.Law & Order: diet rules (law) or Spirit led (order)=Freedom in Christ; "Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death" Rom 8:2 9.LOVE-covers a multitude of sins; Ego vs Altruism: learning to love yourself and treat yourself with God's love 10.Bumps, Road blocks, Stumbling and Pride: Expect opposition, be ready in season and out of season; stay alert! 11.Co-creators of our Destiny: spirit-soul-body connection; God gives us the desires of our heart (those desires that are placed there by God) 12.Overcomers! Testimony week PTL! We've been made more th