The Infinite Human: An Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Humans, Star Seeds, Twin Souls and New Infinite 5D Earth

The Infinite Human: An Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Humans, Star Seeds, Twin Souls and New Infinite 5D Earth

Paperback (30 Mar 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"There is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human, an Infinite Human, and that Human is YOU!" Thirty years ago I wrote these words not fully understanding how deeply they relate to current world events and the consciousness wars our planet is NOW experiencing. This book offers FULL DISCLOSURE of the truth behind the lies, that have been hidden in plain sight while taking you on an amazing spiritual journey around our planet and into the higher dimensions of Esoteric Knowledge, Supernatural Phenomenon, and Cosmic Disclosure. This is not just my story, but the story of my TWIN SOUL, a physician, and how we tried to change the course of modern medicine. This is a Love Story, a Hero's Journey, an Alchemist's Memoir of Twin Souls who managed to navigate through the World of Illusion, heal their past wounds and create an Eternal Love that survived even death! But above all, STAR SEEDS this is your story of the TRUE Liberation that only comes from Awakening from the Dream Spell and ORGANIC ASCENSION, to become the Master Builders of the Infinite New 5D EARTH! Because YOU ARE INFINITE! ALL THAT IS, EVER HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE!!

Book information

ISBN: 9781958184004
Publisher: Infinite Human Productions
Imprint: Infinite Human Productions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 254
Weight: 376g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm