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The Blood Sugar Freedom Formula

The Blood Sugar Freedom Formula Type 1 Diabetes, Simplified

Hardback (13 Nov 2024)

  • $25.28
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Blood Sugar Freedom Formula, Matt Vande Vegte, CPT, breaks down the complexities of insulin-dependent diabetes in a simple manner that makes it not only manageable, but finally possible to master for anyone with an open mind. After revolutionizing the world of type 1 diabetes management with the popular 80/20 Blood Sugar Formula, Matt created this book to simplify blood sugar formulas into something that could be used by anyone living with insulin-dependent diabetes, whether newly diagnosed or a 50+ year veteran. His unique and counterintuitive step-by-step proven methods presented in this book have helped thousands of others to master their blood sugars, and regain hope and happiness while maintaining tight, predictable control over their blood sugars. With clear examples, illustrations, and even guided walkthroughs, this book will meet you where you're at and give you the blood sugar blueprint that you need for success in order to finally have quality of life and peace of mind while thriving with diabetes.

Book information

ISBN: 9781964811918
Publisher: Game Changer Publishing
Imprint: Game Changer Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 194
Weight: -1g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 14mm