Publisher's Synopsis
A Serpent wanted to be a god of the earth he was forced to eat the dust of the human that fell with him. The Human Adam fell desiring to be like the Serpent! The Woman Eve fell desiring to be wiser than both of them. In their world of darkness: Her seed shows the Light! Her seed was not the masculine gender of Patriarch Pride but the feminine gender of a Humble Creation. The birthright changed hands several times over in the history of Man but the One that ended up with the Crown was covered with everything but Light. The maze became the Labyrinth of all times. Only patience would permit the entrance into the Valley of Death and the Valley of the Shadows to dig for the bones of the ancients: the foundations of their beliefs, and dig for my own bones of past lives living in their era of greatness. Every door opened for me to see and understand the way of the Light not just the visible color of a false light of the desire of man and beast. You will now be able to see how the greatest apostle was able to disguise the footsteps in the sand to get such an important message across just by using the wings of an angel. Revelations is NOT what you have been told it is a cover-up keeping you from the Truth of All Time! It brings back the truth of the Light of Creation and plants that thought in the minds of those who believe in the Light but were not absolutely positive enough to make that commitment in faith. Some have to see with their eyes of flesh before the invisible eye of the mind will open. Not everyone has the Light within and they will fight for the right to get to the Treasury of Lights. Your mind is your bridal chamber: keep your thoughts to yourself and rise when the Universe moves forward. Take all questions to Christ: ASK! He is the Light and the Light is the only one that can help you remove the Totem's you developed over centuries of past lives. He will know where to look for your locust, flies and gnats in the Valley of Shadow and help you destroy all that is there from your own past. Faith is the only cloth you need to be wrapped in and it will be your protection as you take every step in the sand.