Publisher's Synopsis
How many times, in front of the mirror with that cream in your hand, have you consciously asked yourself: "Why did I buy it?". Or have you ever entered a store convinced and super motivated to buy a product and, in the end, come out with something else entirely?
Until a while ago, you were in good company because I too was like you at first, buying products without any knowledge of the facts, driven sometimes by the salesperson's way of doing things, sometimes by generous discounts on the product, and sometimes by the mind-blowing promises of becoming a super-sexy goddess.
But what mattered - the results I expected - never came. So one fine day I woke up, looked in the mirror and completely turned the tables.
Do you know why you're experiencing this?
It's mainly a matter of being uninformed or even worse, possessing low quality information. To sum it up in 6 words: you lack robust Cosmetic Awareness!
Now is the time to say, ENOUGH!
Now is the time to dispel the fog, which is separating you from the secrets and truths about cosmetic products, on a journey that has been going on for far too long. Unbeknownst to you, you've been manipulated for so many years and today you're about to get your revenge. For this reason, I decided to condense all my experience and my feelings into this frank and direct manual that reveals the "behind the scenes" of a stage whose representations, at times, are not always so understandable, therefore totally appreciable and, ultimately, easy to enjoy.
Here are some of the topics I cover in this manual:
- why it is necessary for you to become aware of how the world of cosmetics works and some specific dynamics regarding, for example, the price and quality of a cream;
- what is written on the label and what the various acronyms that appear on it mean;
- how to understand in a simple way what is and how is structured the most peripheral organ of our body, our skin;
- how to discover the difference between a serum and a cream and how to distribute products between day and night;
- how to multiply the efficacy of a specific treatment, knowing how to combine several products to create an absolutely personalized protocol.
By immediately applying the basic teachings that you will find in this new manual, you will be able to
- interact with consciousness and full awareness in cosmetic stores;
- know and apply on your face the most correct and effective active ingredients for your specific situation;
- have a younger, brighter and more compact skin even without spending a fortune on cosmetics and thus limit the bleeding of your wallet.
Beauty's Influencer Bible is the method that will guide you step by step towards your rebirth, with advice and information that, although never easy to find, will now finally be at your complete disposal.
Happy reading!