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Swing trading is one of the best trading today. It is short-term, gives you an opportunity to trade, and then take a rest if you need to. This book explains clearly and easily how to make the most out of it!
When you are employed by a traditional boss, you are given a job description. You do your job and get paid for what you have done. You also get sick leave, paid vacation, bonuses and pension plan for your retirement. If you quit your job for swing trading, you need to know that you will be losing the perks that come with having a job with a company.
The rules for success are not the same for everybody. You can be a successful employee at an organization, but lack the mindset and the training required to do well in stock trading. You need to learn and readjust your strategy and mindset if you're going to survive and thrive in swing trading. If you are really interested in swing trading you should lose the employee mentality and be more adventurous.
According to experts, many traders lose money in the long term. To be on the other side of the game, among the successful traders who buy big houses, drive nice cars and build a hefty portfolio, making at least a six-figure income each year, you need to know and understand the tricks of the game.
Instead of blindly quitting your job and then going straight into swing trading, the best strategy is to keep your day time job, swing the market and gain the skillset and experience of professional traders. With your newly developed mindset, skillset, and experience you will be in a better position to begin earning a steady stream of income, and do well in the game.
This guide will give you the definition of what swing trading is and how you can get started. Then, we will give you a swing trading plan and tell you how you can find your feet in this field. Swing trading, due to its medium-term goal, needs a different strategy from day trading and long-term investment. To succeed, you need a sound plan. This guide gives you an outline of how you can go about trading in stocks, futures, cryptocurrencies, and ETFs.
This book gives you a comprehensive guide on the following:
-Why swing trading is favorable for beginner traders
-Swing trading guiding principles
-Platforms and tools for trading
-The channel swing trading strategy
-The breakout swing trading strategy
-Fundamental analysis
-Money management
-Winning entry and exit strategies
-Maintaining swing trading momentum... AND MORE!!!