Suis Les Consignes: Tout Savoir Sur Moi

Suis Les Consignes: Tout Savoir Sur Moi

Paperback (01 Apr 2013) | French

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ces activit's adapt?es ? l'?ge des enfants les aideront ? apprendre ? suivre des instructions en parlant d'eux-m?mes, de leurs pr?f?rences et de leurs exp?riences ? l'aide d'images et de mots simples. Chaque page comporte un format uniforme et structur? pour aider les jeunes ? parler de sujets qui leurs sont chers: leur famille et leurs amis, leurs aliments pr?f?r?s, l'?cole et les jours de f?te, leurs r?ves, etc.

These age-perfect activities will help children learn the important skill of following directions by inviting them to talk about themselves, their preferences and their experiences using pictures and simple words. Each activity pages features a consistent, structured format to scaffold young learners - four simple directions with illustrated prompts on topics kids care about: family and friends, favourite foods and activities, school, holidays and special days, their dreams, and more.

Original Title: Follow-the-Directions

Book information

ISBN: 9781443125871
Publisher: Scholastic Canada
Imprint: Scholastic
Pub date:
Language: French
Number of pages: 48
Weight: 163g
Height: 276mm
Width: 213mm
Spine width: 4mm

About the Publisher


Scholastic is an award-winning publisher of original children's books. Scholastic publishes more than 600 new hardcover, paperback, and novelty books each year. The list includes the phenomenally successful publishing properties Harry Potter and Captain Underpants, the beloved series Clifford The Big Red Dog, Goosebumps, The 39 Clues, I Spy, Bone, The Magic School Bus, Fly Guy, Geronimo Stilton, and The Hunger Games trilogy.