Publisher's Synopsis
Sparks at Dawn: an in-depth exploration of your spiritual journey across the lifespan, from the perspective of Logosynthesis.Dr. Willem Lammers' "Sparks at Dawn. Awakening with Logosynthesis is" the third book in his Logosynthesis Live series. It contains a collection of essays on human experience, on ordinary and extraordinary aspects of living, from a psychological and spiritual perspective. Each lesson, written at dawn and inspired by the liminal state between asleep and awake, reveals how the Matrix of human expectations meets the universal flow from Essence, the Source of your life energy.In your practice as a coach, counselor, or psychotherapist, many clients come with issues and questions that go far beyond coping with everyday emotional distress. They deal with uncertainty, confusion, trauma, abandonment, hopelessness, helplessness, and fears, at a deeper, existential level. Often, such issues are closely connected with the question if their life has meaning at all-even more now, in the context of a global Covid-19 pandemic. Is healing possible? Are human beings more than a biological being trying to survive the day? Can you find meaning and live a meaningful life? Can you tune into confidence, calm, creativity, and courage, simply using the power of words? The answer in this book is a definite "Yes." You can.And Logosynthesis can show you how.Written by Dr. Willem Lammers, a Dutch-Swiss psychotherapist, coach, and author, who's been working more than 40 years at the boundaries of body, mind, and spirit, 'Sparks at Dawn' walks you through the spiritual realm of life from the vantage point of Logosynthesis, an elegant energy model to restore the flow of your life energy-every single day."Sparks at Dawn" invites you to reflect upon your path: What are you here for? What's in the way? Why does that happen? How to clear the way?Previously only available to advanced professionals in the field of Logosynthesis, these essays reflect deep and practical concepts, insights & metaphors to help you to explore your experience beyond psychology or biology, in terms of frozen or flowing energy patterns. They reveal how you may access your potential along your path, in the service of your mission in this lifetime.Each essay sheds light onto unique aspects of your life path. It takes you on a journey towards the reconnection with your Free Self, your eternal Soul, your Essence, the ever-flowing source of love, clarity, creativity, confidence, and courage that bring joy and meaning at the deepest levels of your being.If you're new to Logosynthesis, you'll discover a remarkable, comprehensive model that will challenge at least some aspects of the way you've perceived your body, mind, and spirit. If you're a certified Practitioner or an advanced trainee in Logosynthesis, you will find a wealth of options to expand and deepen your understanding of the philosophy and the theory of the model. Each time you dive into these papers, they will reveal hidden gems useful to your practice of guided change as well as your daily living.This book opens doors to a deeper understanding of the thinking behind Logosynthesis theory and methods. It also will help you to answer those two fundamental questions: "Why are you here?" and "What's in the way of living your mission?" From a psychospiritual viewpoint you're invited to explore and resolve possible blocks on your life path that originated in conception, during pregnancy, your birth, or at any point in the timeline of your life.Dr. Lammers fits together the puzzle pieces of life, universally shared by humanity, though as personal and tender as your own heartbeat. Read this book, let it sink in, and let the words of Logosynthesis do the work, summoning the alchemy of Essence, accessing the full potential of your Self, your mission and the world you're born in.