Publisher's Synopsis
"Songs of the Soul The reprint of the original 1923 edition This is a beloved classic book of the great yoga master, Paramhansa Yogananda (1893-1952), author of Autobiography of a Yogi. This is a reprint of the original 1924 classic by Yogananda: a pioneering work in the field of self-healing and self-transformation. Yogananda explains that words are crystallized thoughts, and have life-changing power when spoken with conviction, concentration, willpower, and feeling. Scientific Healing Affirmations offers far more than mere suggestions for achieving positive attitudes. Yogananda explains in simple language how affirmations can recreate us-physically, mentally, and spiritually. He offers us more than mere suggestions for a positive attitude, showing us how to impregnate our words with spiritual force. This little book will be a treasured companion on the road to realizing your highest, divine potential. Added to this text are over fifty