Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father

Paperback (23 Jan 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Long before Charles Beckwith dreamed of Delta Force or Dick Marcinko was tapped to form SEAL Team 6, a mild mannered CIA Director, often referred to as "the man nobody knew" formed a special team. This was a type of team that was expert not only in small arms, force multiplication, linguistics but also expert and top of their field in getting things done, and often times with great flare and aplomb. Due to the political atmosphere in America at the time, and under the leadership of a frightened President they were a very short lived operation. The International Response Teams or IRT's were made up of 12 teams of 12 men, 144 dedicated patriots, the Director of Central Intelligence's personal Praetorian Guard if you will. Operating outside of any semblance of normal channels, answering to only one man, their existence is heavily veiled in the shadows of secrecy and silence. This is a fictionalized story of some of those men, how they coped with family, children and mental anguish over the fate of their loved ones and country in a time of great turmoil.

Book information

ISBN: 9780615755724
Publisher: Survival Consultants Int'l.
Imprint: Survival Consultants Int'l.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 262
Weight: 353g
Height: 229mm
Width: 151mm
Spine width: 13mm