Publisher's Synopsis
INTRODUCTION In this fast changing world today, no individual is free or no profession is free from stress. Stress comes in many forms and affects people of all ages and all walks of life. Occupational stress relates to the experience of stress in one's work's place, occupation or employment. Occupational or work place stress defined as, occupational stress is a state of tension that is created when a person responds to the demands and pressures that come from work, family, and other external sources, as well as those that are internally generated from self imposed demands, obligations and self criticism. The terms work stress, job stress, or occupational stress is used interchangeably (Dollard, M.F. 2003) (Samartha et al 2014) Workers working in a foreign location for more than one year are considered to be 'expatriate workers'. (Richardson & McKenna, 2003). 'Expatriates' are temporary workers who work in a foreign location under contracts which are of limited duration (Ward, Bochner&Furnham, 2001 as cited by McGinley, 2008). These work contracts may be renewed multiple times thus prolonging the stay of expatriate worker in a foreign country (Shah, 2009). This study was an effort to found out the level of stress of an expatriate employees and psychological well-being in work place being away from the home country, getting adjusted to an entirely different socio-cultural environment as compared to that of their home country and also staying away from family, counterpart's isolation which leads to stress. Expatriate workers being away from their own country have to face multiple problems and at the same time have to adjust to the job environment, situation and face new challenges in the job about their skill,