Publisher's Synopsis
"Stop using pornography, without feeling like a victim or experiencing deprivation." This book will enable you to quit your online sex addiction immediately, painlessly, and permanently, without willpower or any sense of loss or sacrifice. It will neither judge nor shame you, nor push you to take painful measures. The Easy-Peasy method, based on Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking," views pornography as a psychological dependency. The method focuses on changing the way porn users perceive their habit and helps them realize that internet pornography offers no benefits. EasyPeasy works metaphorically like a magic button. For me and many others, the method felt like magic because quitting was so simple and enjoyable! The idea that something is missing when you don't watch pornography is the voice of your brainwashing. By reading this book, you will break through this brainwashing. There is so much to gain and so little to lose. You should dare to read this book.