Publisher's Synopsis
- Integrates conventional and alternative medicine practices including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, mind/body practices.
- Provides a science of human health and healing which is more inclusive than conventional evidence-based medicine.
- Provides a quantum science of feeling and emotions, including the reality of the chakras, our feeling centers in the body and in the brain. This new theory also enables us to apply it in health and healing via mental and vital creativity.
- The revolutionary idea that the authors propose is that human physiology as given, can be improved with very little creative effort. Most children pick up the improved physiology in their childhood and then their lifestyle produces the disorder. But now, having a theory on what the optimal lifestyle is, we have a fully preventive healing science.
- Provides a new paradigm-a health science not based on disease and cure but based on wellbeing and disease prevention.
- The author is greatly in-demand as a interviewee. We have retained the publicity services of Sara Sgarlat who has an indepth knowledge of Goswami's work and the media on which has appeared