Publisher's Synopsis
Are you in or have you recently come out of an abusive relationship? Have you experienced violence or verbal abuse from an intimate partner? Do you live in fear of people or the unknown because of how badly your ex hurt you? Are you experiencing difficulties with connecting with others, as a result of your past abusive relationship? You are hurting, frustrated, and alone. You fear that no one will believe you. You fear what will happen to your kids. You fear that he will hurt you more than he already has. On some days, you think you are overreacting - maybe things are not that bad, you say. Perhaps your partner thinks you are crazy and you are beginning to think so too. You are at the point where you don't know what's real and what's not real anymore. You constantly doubt your feelings and you wish that your life was over. You wonder why you got so unlucky. If that's you, then, this book is for you! As a former domestic violence survivor and a trained educator, Lateka is here to help you confront your post-abuse trauma, pick up the pieces, recover and move on to creating beautiful relationships. First, she shows you how to confront your pain and recognize that you have been abused. Then, she dispels a few myths while showing you the tools you need to work through the pain and move forward. Finally, she equips you to live and thrive in a new relationship. Get this book if you are tired of being stuck in your trauma and need to create the life of your dreams!