Publisher's Synopsis
There's No Shortcut to Success
Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you'll fail, but it doesn't ensure success either. You're going to have to fail sometimes and learn from it. You're going to have to do the things you don't like doing. Christopher G. Micetich learned that the hard way. Growing up, he had a calling to lead, to strive for perfection in any challenges laid before him. He took this mindset into the world of entrepreneurs, hungry for success-hungry for recognition.
One Day You'll Understand: Life and Business Lessons from A Serial Entrepreneur isn't a step-by-step, how-to guide on becoming rich. It's a book that takes you through Christopher's life, showing you how he used his natural entrepreneurial spirit to imbue everyone around him with confidence and hard work. With this information, Christopher believes any entrepreneur can learn from his experiences and understand that wisdom is often a by-product of grit, and that success is achieved through a persistent, persevering spirit.
There's no "secret formula" to success, no one-way street to fame and fortune. Follow Christopher's journey, where you'll see the hard knocks and crumbled roads leading to where he is today. Find what gave him the freedom of purpose, and you might find yours too.