Publisher's Synopsis
Night-Time Writings Vols 1 & 2 were channelled through to the author by the Father Within. The 'Father' was his spiritual not physical father. An easier way for many people to understand if the 'Holy Spirit'. Paul says it was a way for him to be taught about the spiritual pathway, what he should and should not do, how his attitude to others should be, how to develop love and compassion for his fellow men and women. The way that the teachings were given was remarkable. Paul did not have to think, they were dictated to him, however he said that he could feel the love and emotion coming through as they were being given to him. He struggled to keep up with getting them typed before the next batch came through. You can see from the dates that there wasn't much space in between. The way that the different topics were presented varied. There was a combination of verse and prose and topics were quite diverse. Most of them had spiritual themes of one type or another. In the majority of them Paul was being spoken to as a Teacher to his pupil. Sometimes he was being told off, but most times he was reminded of the consequences if certain things happened or if certain paths or actions occurred. The six months that the writings were received Paul went through tremendous spiritual growth as mentioned in his book, 'Reaching the Station'. He was taught that all the answers that any person or soul requires can be found within themselves, and that it is far better to show a person how to access the healing power within than to give healing to them directly. There will be many who disagree with this statement, so he qualified it. Healing can be given to those initially who don't have the knowledge to access the healing. However after they have been restored to perfect health it is up to them to learn how to access the healing for themselves and others that they come into contact with. Paul says that he was influenced very strongly by the Christ. He believes He comes to show us the Way just as He did two thousand years ago. The spiritual laws that He spoke about then are just as valid today. He did not speak about forming religions and sects and building great buildings and temples. He spoke about the 'Temple of the Living God, Within', that there is no death but only everlasting life. His words have been misinterpreted over the centuries in a big way. He said where two or more are gathered or make a request in His name He would be there or grant their request. While He lived here on earth He was a simple carpenter and teacher. His teachings were the same, however those who followed throughout the centuries have formulated complicated religions and sects. Jesus would have thrown up His hands in horror at what they have written and taught and the things that have been done in the name of 'Christianity'. Not hat He started Christianity or the Christian Churches. Jesus was not a Christian. He was not a leader. He was a spiritual Teacher who came to show us the 'Way', the Spiritual Way, how to access the pathway to spirituality, to find the God within themselves. These are the same teachings that have been given to Paul. He makes no claim of greatness. He is merely a messenger as Jesus the Christ Himself was. Paul seeks to show the Way also, to show others how to seek for themselves. What he was given was to simplify a subject that has been made complicated by being passed through many hands and many Minds and was distorted in its journey. Finally he asks that you his Readers, learn to "Be Still" and listen to the God or 'Still Small Voice' within yourself and all of the answers to life and death will be shown to you.