Publisher's Synopsis
The new essential guide from The Economist.
Almost every aspect of business-and indeed human life-involves negotiating skills, whether you are striking a deal, organising a team working on a project, seeking a pay rise or a pay-off, or simply settling such important matters as who is going to do the shopping or the household chores.
This witty and intelligent guide looks at the theory and practice of negotiating and provides a wealth of illuminating insights into the skills and psychology of negotiation that can make all the difference to how successful you are. Its entries cover such topics, terms and jargon as: Avoidance-Avoidance Model, Bagatelle, Compromise Agreement, Dirty Tricks, Expectations, Frontal Assault, Guanxi, Hooker's Principle, Interpersonal Orientation, Killer Questions, Listening, Mother Hubbard, Noah's Ark, Offer They Must Refuse, Pendulum Arbitration, Quivering Quill, Russian Front, Salami, Tit-for-Tat, Unconditional Offer, Vulnerability, What If?, Yesable Proposition, and Zeuthen's Conflict Avoidance Model.
Gavin Kennedy is Emeritus Professor at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, and the author of several successful books on negotiation, including Everything is Negotiable and Strategic Negotiation.