Publisher's Synopsis
The 10 Days Low Sugar Diet Plan Low Sugar Diet is extremely beneficial for a diabetic. Proper food intake and a healthy lifestyle are always advisable to lead a better life. Most people are suffering from diabetes because of obesity, irregular eating and sleeping habits. Too much indulgence on junk foods and sweetened products is also aggravating this problem. In order to discard this deadly disease, we should consume sugar free diets. The production of effective insulin increases by consuming low carb diets. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Chapter 1: Low Sugar Diet Chapter 2: Cutting Down on Sugar Chapter 3: The Purposes and Health Benefits of Low Sugar Diet Chapter 4: Foods Restricted and Allowed During Low Sugar Diet Chapter 5: How to Stop Craving for Sugar Chapter 6: Setting Your Goals and Target Chapter 7: The 10-Day Low Sugar Meal Plan Chapter 8: Tips (Do's and Don'ts) for Low Sugar Diet Plan