Publisher's Synopsis
This book is an upgraded and modified version of Chapter 15 in my previous book, "Control for Life Extension. A Personalized Holistic Approach." While doing research for upgrading it, I became interested in some related health issues such as heart disease and cancer as related to food and they are discussed herein. It is well established that in every country women live five to six years longer than men. Various factors such as smaller body size, Higher body fat, lower hematocrit, renewal of red blood cells through periodic menstruation, and less hair on the body favor women's longevity. However, the most important factor is that men when they have sex lose their semen (life force) with the uncontrolled ejaculation, which women don't. Literally, sex kills men. Men suffer twice as much from heart disease than women. Surprisingly, the latitude of the area where people live appears to be linked to heart disease. In general, the closer to the equator people live, the healthier they are and the less they suffer from heart disease. In cold climates, people burn food both for energy, necessary for all bodily functions and for heat to maintain their proper body temperature. In warm, particularly tropical climates people don't need to generate heat, they burn their food just for energy and avoid the production of metabolic waste, the byproduct of heat generation. Additionally, they sweat more and further rid their bodies of toxins and waste and this detoxification brings about better health. To make their lives longer, men are advised to employ at least fourteen strategies including creating a healthy bank account, mastering the technique of controlled ejaculation (described in my book "Control for Life Extension"), avoiding iatrogenic (physician caused) disease, moving south or to higher altitudes, employing healing affirmations, being aware of a coronavirus egregore, and others.Conventional treatments of heart disease such as graft bypass surgery or stent implantation to improve blood circulation are very invasive and drastic procedures. The heart itself is universally viewed as a pump with the ejection function only. Some opponents of this view stress that the suction function of the heart-pump must also be considered. Furthermore, the shortcomings in the explanation of blood flow in the conventional cardiology text books are spelled out below. It is shown that the existence of the collateral blood vessels, capillary function (a second heart), muscle contractions (a third heart) and suction action of the heart's four chambers assisting the venous blood return must also be taken into account. Dr. Ray Peat, a prominent American physiologist, once said, "Medical doctors don't understand human physiology." I feel that the same can be applied to conventional cardiology, namely that heart doctors and surgeons poorly understand how our heart and circulation functions. Why are our foods so unhealthy and therapies are so inhumanly invasive and drastic? The Concept of Gaia or Mother Earth helps us to find an answer to this difficult question. Humans exceedingly pollute and destroy nature and to protect Herself, Gaia punishes them making them sick and mass murdering them. It seems, Her envoys such as dictators and mass killers responsible for millions of deaths are granted a long life. It may sound as farfetched but may be there is something to it.