Publisher's Synopsis
Liobani helps the youth, to find freedom in God and to take their life in hand: How do I find my type, my abilities? What is the right occupation for me?
Liobani explains how young people can develop communication with the Free Spirit who wants to help in every situation, for example, in shaping our life, in preparing for exams, by choosing a life partner, in dealing with our fellow people ... She teaches how we can get to know ourselves more and more, and how we can come to understand what the events of the day want to tell us and much, much, more.
An excerpt from the book:
"The young person is like a young tree. He can still bend easily. An elderly person is like an old tree that has been firmly rooted in its place for decades and can no longer be bent; he follows his beaten track that he can leave only with difficulty. This means that in many aspects he finds it very hard to change his way of thinking, to counter his old human patterns with divine thoughts, to ask for forgiveness and to forgive.
However, the love and grace of our heavenly Father in Christ make it possible for every human child to break old restrictions and patterns, to give up old habits, to find its way out of human stereotypical thinking patterns and to actualize the divine laws. The Lord of Life can do anything if the person is willing to change his way of thinking."
A few more passages from the book:
"To be with God does not mean to be bigoted, nor does it mean to affect piety and solely meditate. To be with God and in God means to radiate love, kindness and gentleness and to show understanding, tolerance and good will toward your neighbor. However, as you have already learned, this does not imply supporting your neighbor's self-will and thereby making yourself a slave to his will and desires.
To be in and with God means to stand in the world and to correctly fulfill the tasks you have taken on; to support, help and serve those people who need help and service-but not to be servile or to help merely in order to be left in peace or to receive a service in return.
Nor should you be servile at your place of work. Strive each day to conscientiously do the work assigned to you; then you will earn corresponding wages, for every just worker is due his wage. ..."