Publisher's Synopsis
Revolutionary quick and easy new process lets you rapidly release anxiety and toxic stress, using only words!
Now you can effortlessly manage previously distressing situations and even forget to worry about things you used to obsess about.
Order your book today and learn to use the three magic sentences to reclaim your life energy and your joy.
- The highly effective new process in this book makes it easy for you to:
- Stop worrying about things you can't control.
- Manage challenging situations.
- Stop imagining disasters.
- Turn off the thoughts that keep you awake at night.
- Transform your anxiety into relaxation.
This process has been called a tool, a form of prayer, and magical. Created by Swiss psychologist Dr. Willem Lammers, he calls it a guided self-change technique naming it Logosynthesis(R). It's been used by psychotherapists and coaches since 2005 throughout Europe to help their clients eliminate stress, anxiety and worry.
Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words reveals how to easily learn to use this tool yourself, in private or with a learning partner, to finally clarify and let go of those things that are draining your life energy.
If you hate being told to just let go of things that bother you-without telling you how-you will love this book!
Get your copy of this straightforward and easy to use book now. Reclaim the joy that is your birthright!
The author, Dr. Laurie Weiss has a multifaceted background as an internationally known psychotherapist, executive and life coach, marriage counselor, relationship communication expert, trainer of professionals, speaker, grandmother and author of 13 books.
After over 40 years practicing psychotherapy and coaching, she had no intention of starting a new phase of her career. Then a colleague helped her resolve a persistent, stressful problem using an amazing new technique. She was astounded that he did it in just a few minutes, while standing on the sidewalk outside of a restaurant, using only words.
Dr. Weiss was so intrigued with this recently discovered tool that she and her husband of over 50 years, Dr. Jonathan B Weiss, went to Nova Scotia, Canada to learn the technique. Using it, they were thrilled to help their clients make important life changes in a fraction of the time, and with a fraction of the pain ordinarily associated with psychotherapy.
Four years and considerable studying later, they became the only Certified Logosynthesis Practitioners and Basic Trainers in the United States.