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Les Errances De Frere Felix, Pelerin En Terre Sainte, En Arabie Et En Egypte. Tome IV

Les Errances De Frere Felix, Pelerin En Terre Sainte, En Arabie Et En Egypte. Tome IV - Textes Litteraires Du Moyen Age

Paperback (06 Feb 2015) | French

  • $70.81
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Publisher's Synopsis

In this fourth volume of the Errances, Felix Fabri recounts the days of 16 to 20 July 1483, devoted to the visit to Bethlehem and the dangerous swim in the Jordan. Here, anecdotes and the picturesque blend wonderfully with the erudition and critical spirit of the author.

Book information

ISBN: 9782812432248
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Imprint: Classiques Garnier
Pub date:
Language: French
Number of pages: 365
Weight: 608g