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Les Errances De Frere Felix, Pelerin En Terre Sainte, En Arabie Et En Egypte. Tome VIII

Les Errances De Frere Felix, Pelerin En Terre Sainte, En Arabie Et En Egypte. Tome VIII Traite 8

Paperback (16 Dec 2020) | Latin

  • $85.34
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Paperback (13 Oct 2021) $129.40

Publisher's Synopsis

The treaty 8 recounts the arrival and stay of pilgrims in Egypt during the month of October 1483. The author recounts, with a unique pen talent and an exceptional culture, all the past and all the wonders of this land of memory and dream, which fascinated Western travelers so much.

Book information

ISBN: 9782406107217
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Imprint: Classiques Garnier
Pub date:
Language: Latin
Number of pages: 609
Weight: 417g