Legacy of Love

Legacy of Love Owning Our Power to Heal

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is for anyone who has been impacted by the family disease of addiction. It's designed to help you navigate a way through the tears, fears and failures of loving someone with the disease. I have designed a roadmap to help us learn how to own our power and to take care of ourselves in the process. Owning our power means we acknowledge that we are being victimized by our loved ones behavior. Learning how to take care of ourselves, set boundaries, and live a life full of peace and contentment is the primary focus of this book. I trust this book helps you in the process of self-care and recovery. Thanks to everyone who contributed to supporting, encouraging and loving our family through this process.

Book information

ISBN: 9781038306791
Publisher: FriesenPress
Imprint: FriesenPress
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 349g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm