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Learn Swift 2 on the Mac

Learn Swift 2 on the Mac - Books for Professionals by Professionals

Second edition

Paperback (18 Dec 2015)

  • $38.31
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Publisher's Synopsis

If you are an iOS developer or planning to become one, learning Swift 2 is your #1 priority, and this book tells you everything you need to get up to speed, well, swiftly.

You'll start with the Swift Playground and an introduction to object-oriented programming so you can immediately see Swift in action. You then learn about all of the key language features like functions and closures, classes, methods, extensions, and how Swift works just as well as Objective-C when it comes to easy memory management with ARC.

Finally you'll learn how to use Swift alongside Objective-C as well as with Core Data, and you'll learn how to put all of the pieces together with a health app using Apple's HealthKit framework.

Book information

ISBN: 9781484216286
Publisher: Apress
Imprint: Apress
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
DEWEY: 004.1675
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 492g
Height: 179mm
Width: 254mm
Spine width: 20mm