Jack of Hearts

Jack of Hearts Grandma Mandy Series Book Three

eBook (15 Feb 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ashley grieves the loss of her sister Her only comfort is the little nephew who is left in her care. Since she works at home, she is able to watch Jack during the day and it is truly a labor of love. Now that he has lost his mother, she is determined to raise him as her sister would wish. The downside is sharing custody with Jacks uncle, David. Davis is a successful businessman who can provide luxuries for Jack that Ashley's budget will not allow. He, also, has a past reputation as a playboy. It is difficult for Ashley to believe that he has changed his lifestyle, even though his behavior and words attest to the possibility. His interest in making them a threesome makes her leery. Has he truly changed into the man she now sees? If so, dare she trust her heart to him?

Book information

ISBN: 9781797008134
Imprint: Karen Cogan Books
Pub date:
Weight: -1g