Publisher's Synopsis
The Intermittent Fasting for Women was designed to introduce health
enthusiasts of all levels to the simplicity and effectiveness of Intermittent Fasting,
specifically with regards to women's health. Readers will finish the book
confident in their knowledge of Intermittent Fasting, how it will work best for
their specific health needs and ready to get started on the path to a lighter and
healthier life.
Intermittent Fasting involves controlling the body's calorie intake by blocking out
periods of time where no food is consumed. Some people choose fasting
schedules where they fast for a set number of hours each day, while others eat
normally most days and strictly limit or eliminate their food intake on alternate
days. As with any diet or weight loss program, it is important to choose the right
fasting method to meet the needs of a particular body shape or health goal, a
process wherein readers will develop a deeper grasp of as they make their way
through this helpful and informative guide.
With this book, readers will discover the origins of Intermittent Fasting and how
it has become one of the most widely practiced weight loss trends in the United
States. They will also learn about:
- The pros and cons of Intermittent Fasting
- How to determine if fasting is the right choice for their health needs
- The science behind how the body processes food and how this affects
weight loss
- The unique benefits and risks women encounter when fasting
- How to pick a diet that works with their fasting plan and supports a
wholesome lifestyle
- The importance of eating whole foods and the difference they make
when dieting
In addition to providing a comprehensive knowledge of Intermittent Fasting and
the proven science behind the program, this guide contains introductions and
explanations of two effective diets that readers are recommended to try while
fasting to help increase their weight loss. The Mediterranean Diet and the Keto
Diet are two programs gaining in popularity across the globe, mainly for their
easiness to adapt to and recognized success. Each one has its own focus and food
choices, but they both work effortlessly alongside any fasting schedule to boost all
dietary benefits and help followers maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Beginners and fitness professionals alike will benefit from the book's 14-Day
Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting. Complete with recipes from both the
Mediterranean and Keto diets, this guide will walk readers through the first steps
of their Intermittent Fasting journey with helpful tips and ideas of what to expect
at each stage. To ensure their success, readers will also find information on how
to avoid common mistakes and issues women face with fasting programs and
useful tips on how to stay on track when fasting and dieting become a struggle.
Intermittent Fasting for Women provides readers with valuable knowledge so
they can finally meet their weight loss goals with the help of a specialized
Intermittent Fasting plan and a diet that reinforces the positive aspects of it. This
guide is the ultimate tool and trainer for those looking to start an improved
lifestyle dedicated to health, happiness, and well-being.
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