Publisher's Synopsis
Intermittent fasting: isn't it hungry?
No. Fasting differs from hunger in one crucial way: control. Hunger is the involuntary absence of food for a long time.
On the other hand, fasting is the voluntary avoidance of food for spiritual, health or other reasons. If done correctly, fasting should not cause suffering and certainly not serious harm.
Food is readily available, but choose not to eat it. This can be for any length of time, from a few hours to a few days or, with medical supervision, even a week or more. You can start a fast at any time of your choosing, and you can also end a fast at your leisure.
Whenever you don't eat, you fast intermittently.
For example, you can fast between dinner and breakfast the next day, for a period of about 12-14 hours. In this sense, intermittent fasting should be considered a part of daily life.
It is perhaps the oldest and most powerful dietary intervention imaginable.
Consider the term "quick break". This refers to the fast-breaking meal, which is done daily.
Rather than being some kind of cruel and unusual punishment, the English language implicitly acknowledges that fasting should be performed daily, even if only for a short duration.
Intermittent fasting is not something unusual, but it is part of everyday and normal life.
Yet somehow we have lost its power and neglected its therapeutic potential.
Learning to fast properly gives us the ability to use it or not.
If you have ever felt negatively towards your body or feed habits and you're over 50, then keep reading...
It is essential for women as they approach middle age to start exercising necessary precautions with their health.
This is the time where women become at risk for contracting diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure to name a few. From this age, women need to pay considerable attention to what and how they eat. Healthy eating habits lower the risk of illness, reduce middle-age spread, and slow down the signs of aging.
As a person ages, they undergo certain phases of life where changes take place. We go from infant to toddler, we suffer puberty, adolescent years, become a young adult, and so on. Each decade implements some change in body and character as we learn, grow, and mature.
Suddenly, before you realize it, you have hit your fifties and start to notice some things decline. Grey streaks sliver the hair, the skin is not as tight, and parts of the body are not as perky as they used to be. Fat forms and stubbornly will not move, especially around the belly area. Belly fat is a health concern and needs to be addressed. Once a woman is over the age of fifty, it gets exceedingly difficult to be rid of any fat, not only that around the belly.
Intermittent fasting has been known to help get rid of stubborn fat. It may also slow down signs of aging, it may increase longevity, and reduce the risk of disease in middle-aged women. It helps to kick start the metabolism, increase energy, and vitality along with one's self-esteem.
Intermittent Diet for Women Over 50: The Complete Guide for Intermittent Fasting Diet & Quick Weight Loss After 50, Easy Book for Senior Beginners, Including Week Diet Plan + Meal Ideas introduces you to intermittent fasting.
So, what are you waiting for?